Still Hungry!
A fancy food mod for Minecraft
by 17CupsOfCoffee, DizzyAlyx and BethW08
What is it?
Still Hungry opens up a world of culinary adventures within your singleplayer or multiplayer Minecraft world! Unlike a lot of food mods, we focus on adding fancy new cooking-based mechanics to the game rather than flooding your crafting table with extra recipes.
What does it add?
- Over 60 new items, with more added each update based on your suggestions
- Three new crops to be used in your recipes: Strawberries, Rice and Grapes
- The Stove block, which adds an all new cooking system to the game
- The Barrel block, which allows you to brew wines and ciders
How do I run it?
Our mod runs on Minecraft Forge, which is the standard toolkit for creating and running player-created modifications in Minecraft. Other than this, no other additional software or mods are required.